Department Profile

JSS College is one of the best institutions in the town imparting higher Arts, Commerce & Science education for Men & Women. This centre was established in the year 1968, under the patronage of JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Mysore. After the early stages a fully fledged library in the College was established in the year 1973.It gradually expanded and grew to the present status. The library is well equipped with built area of 1927 Sq.ft caters to the need of 1200 students and more than 100 staff members. With the introduction of arts ,commerce and science The Library acquired more than 36000 books on various subjects, including text books, reference books, encyclopedia, dictionaries, annual reports, complementary loose journals, brouchers, prospectus etc,. Library is automated with E-granthalaya software and the books & users borrowers cards are completely bar coded. Library has set up cyber library with 10 Pentium computers working in networked environment. A small collection of DVD & Books CDs & back volume of journals & Magazines.

JSS PU College Nanjangud - library
JSS PU College Nanjangud - library


To keep the library up-to-date and useful, the modern OPAC system of catalogue is used in our library. The users should Search the details of books.

Journals and Magazines

For journals received by the College Library, refer to the list kept in the Library.

News Papers

Daily news papers in Kannada and English languages are kept in Browsing room for use of students and staffs after reading the papers keep the papers properly or surrender it to the concerned person for library collection.

Internet and Wi-Fi

  • ID Card is mandatory for all the users
  • Users should Enter the time of using INTERNET in the register
  • Users should not use external hard drives to insert without checking for virus
  • Users should be treated in first come first serve manner

Services Offered

  • Reference
  • Book Borrowing
  • Reservation
  • Overnight borrowing
  • Audio-Visual and Electronic Material Borrowing
  • Previous Years Question Paper Bank
  • Current Awareness Service
  • ILL (inter library loan service) on request with our sister institutions
  • Newspaper Clippings Service
  • Institutional Membership
  • Reprographic (Xerox ) Service
  • Scanning service
  • Internet Browsing with Wi-Fi Connectivity
  • Library Resource Guidance by library staffs
  • Article Indexing Service

Borrower's Card

All the students can get their Library Borrower's Tickets on application at the Circulation Counter during the beginning of the Academic Year by producing the Admission Fee Receipt and Identity Card.

All the student is issued with two borrowers ticket each bearing his Library Card No., Name, Class and Combination / Section. Each Ticket will entitle the student to borrow one book from the library at a time. Library Card is mandatory for all the users and is strictly nontransferable.

Students may borrow books for a period of 15 days.

In default a fine of Rs.1.00/- per day per book will be charged after the due dates.

  • Signing the Visitors register Book before accessing the library is compulsory.
  • Carrying of bags, folders, newspapers, personal books or any printed material, walkman, food articles etc. are strictly prohibited in the library.
  • Mobile phones are to be kept switched off inside the library.
  • Students will maintain perfect silence and order inside the library. Anybody found sleeping; talking aloud, sitting in an improper manner and violating the general rules of Library conduct shall expose themselves to severe penalties.
  • Group discussion or any kind of class meeting is not allowed inside the library.
  • Books may be recalled at any time by the Librarian.
  • Reference books, books marked as Library copy (L), current and back volumes of journals cannot be lent out.
  • Any damage, disfigurement or loss of a library book will be replaced within a week by another one, or in case of unavailability, by the payment of a fine amounting to double the price of the book.  Issued books along with the library issue card should be shown to the circulation Counter of library before leaving the library.
  • Books once issued for home will not be allowed to be kept inside the library.
Books 36725
Print Journals and Magazines 72
Book CDs 15
DVDs 28
Back Volumes 747
News Papers 15

Library ICT Infrastructure

  • 10 desktop computers
  • BSNL broad band Internet
  • LAN (local area network)
  • web cam
  • CCTV
  • HP Laser printer & scanner
  • Barcode scanner
  • Modem
  • OPAC (online public access)
  • Windows 7 operating system
  • E-granthalaya software
  • Library Database
  • Book CDs & DVDs
  • Telephone
  • WI-FI Router
  • CD & DVD Writer
  • E-journals
  • E-books through INFLIBNET
  • College website (including library)
  • Kaspersky antivirus
  • Bar coded books
  • Bar coded ID borrowers cards
  • DBMS like MySQL

The College offers qualitative higher education to mould Students character and achieve steadfastness and economic freedom. It also encourages the students to be independent, self-reliant by identifying the hidden talent. Since most of the students admitted to the college are from far villages, lack of proper transportation facilities causes many hurdles to the students to reach the college and it is also very difficult for them to travel every day. Hence the college has provided Hostel facilities for girl students with the following facilities.

JSS PU College Nanjangud - library

Facilities Provided at Hostel

  • Well-furnished rooms for three and four members sharing with common bath rooms and hot water in each floor.
  • Spacious hall for comfortable dining with TV
  • Breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinne
  • Outdoor games
  • Round the clock security system
  • Purified drinking water
  • UPS
  • Students who require hostel accommodation should pay the hostel deposits, room rent and other hostel charges for the full term at the time of joining.
  • Mess charges will be based on monthly dividing system.
  • The allotment of rooms will be made on a first come, first served basis.
  • No change is permitted unless the concerned authorities are personally satisfied that such a change can be allowed. Permission has to be accorded in writing. They should get the room allotted and occupy the room before commencement of the next term.
  • Once admission process gets over, the furniture & fittings are handed over to their charge. At the time of leaving the hostel during or after completion of the course, students required to hand over the furniture and fittings to the hostel office and will be chargeable for any damages.
  • No extra furniture or electrical fittings are allowed in the rooms without the written permission of the Warden. Fines will be levied if found damaging hostel property such as electrical and plumbing fittings, furniture etc.
  • Cooking in the rooms is strictly prohibited.
  • Members are required to bring their own mattresses, mosquito nets and other necessary items. Though watch and ward arrangements are provided, the hostel shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the resident’s property or things.
  • The occupants are requested to bring their own lock and key for locking their respective rooms and will be responsible for the safety of their belongings.
  • Members who expect to be away from the hostel for any periods shall inform the Warden in writing of their absence along with the probable time of their return.
  • Notice of intention to vacate a room must be given in writing.
  • Students who have been allotted new rooms will have to shift to the new accommodation within two days from the date of allotment and hand over the possession of old room or cancel the new allotment in writing.
  • The security deposit is refunded only at the end of the final year when the student leaves the hostel. This deposit is subject to deduction of cost of any loss / damage to the furniture & fittings.
  • Students shall not keep any valuables or objectionable articles in the rooms.
  • Students shall not write or display questionable slogans, posters, flags in his/her room or anywhere in the premises.
  • Rooms/premises are to be kept clean.
  • Residents will have to pay the hostel deposits / fees as applicable.
  • Students shall vacate the hostel as soon as they complete their course.
  • Students have to respect the Hostel warden and authorities at all times.
  • Students need to inform the hostel authorities immediately in case of any emergencies.
  • Daily evening prayer will be held and it’s compulsory to all the student to attend.
  • Strictly no scribbling or writing on the walls or along the corridors of the hostel.
  • Yoga is compulsory for every student.
  • The guardian of the student should be an outsider, not any faculty member or senior student of the college.
  • Any student caught breaking the mentioned rules, will be brought to the notice of Chief Executive of college campus and appropriate actions will be taken as per the directions
  • The guardian/parents need to bring their ID card whenever they visit their children.
  • Strictly no usage of phone after 10pm.
  • The hostel authorities will not be responsible for any self-harm actions of any student.
  • Hostel members should use water and electricity economically.
  • Heaters or similar electrical appliances are not allowed. They should not meddle with the fittings already in their rooms or make any additional connections.
  • If it is absolutely necessary to go out, she shall make an application in writing to the Warden stating the reason to obtain prior permission.
  • Any type of loud talking, shouting, singing, playing musical instruments or indulging in activities that would affect the peaceful atmosphere required for studies is prohibited.
  • Guests/Parents are not allowed to stay in the rooms along with the students.
  • The students should not waste food.


Students 24


Chief warden Warden Head Cook Cook Cleaning staff
01 01 01 01 01

Intake Capacity

3 Students 4 Students 6 Students
09 Rooms 15 Rooms 03 Rooms

Other Facilities

Office Room Warden Room Cook Room Dining Hall Toilets Bathroom
01 01 01 01 10 08


As many students come from distant places, it is essential for the students to have nutritious food and refreshments at affordable prices so as to participate in the daily academic activities actively. The college canteen plays an important role in this regard by catering the daily nutritional requirements of students and staff members.

The objective of the Canteen is to provide healthy food by reducing the risk of foodborne illness, with proper sanitary conditions, and preventing adulterated food. The College Canteen located within the college campus has been functioning efficiently. The students are provided meals by assuring food safety and quality.

Through Canteens wholesome food and refreshments can be provided to the students at reasonable prices so as to make balanced and hygienic food available to them. Canteens also serve as place where students can informally meet and refresh themselves by a relaxing conversation. The availability of food stuffs within the college premises can save a lot of time of the students.

JSS PU College Nanjangud - Canteen


Our college has bank facility which helps our students for transactions.

JSS PU College Nanjangud - library